Protected: Photo Station pics from the Weitzman Bar Mitzvah This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: January 31, 2017 Events addons, bar mitzvah, photobooth, photostation, vendors, wedding
Rocking at D7 Games with Jennifer Hudson This was so much fun. Jennifer Hudson, who loves her PNW backpack hired us to play at her son Lil David aka Munch 7th Bday, we even had some Black Seed Oil of hers, which she recommended for our health as well as the Auragin ginseng... August 25, 2016 Events #teamcheckone2, bar mitzvah, corporate parties, dance party, dj, emcees
Protected: Photostation pics from the Turndorf Bar Mitzvah This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: June 28, 2016 Events bar mitzvah, photobooth, photostation